Publications with Keyword INTELLIGENT NETWORK
Bafutto, M.*: Modelling and Performance Evaluation of the Intelligent Network Application Protocol. ITG Fachbericht 124: Vorträge der ITG-Fachtagung Mobile Kommunikation, VDR-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, September 1993, pp. 263-275.
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Bafutto, M.; Schopp, M.*; Kühn, P.J.*: Capacity Planning and Performance Analysis of Signalling Networks for the Support of Mobile Communication and Intelligent Networks. Proceedings of the 4th Open Workshop on High Speed Networks, Brest, September 1994, pp. 188-195.
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Bafutto, M.*; Kühn, P.J.*; Willmann, G.: Capacity and performance analysis of signaling networks in multivendor environments. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 12, No. 3, April 1994, pp. 490-500.
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Bafutto, M.*: Modellierung, Verkehrsanalyse und Planung von Zentralkanal-Signalisiernetzen im ISDN mit besonderer Berücksichtigung neuer Dienste der Mobilkommunikation und des Intelligenten Netzes - 63. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, E-Technik, IND, 1995.
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Bafutto, M.; Schopp, M.*: Planning the Capacity and Performance of Intelligent Networks based on the ITU-TS IN Capbility Set 1. Proceedings of the Regional ITC-Seminar, Pretoria, September 1995, pp. 282-296.
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Schopp, M.*; Bafutto, M.: Untersuchung des Signalisiermeldungsflusses bei IN-basierter Mobilitätsverwaltung. Beiträge zur 2. ITG-Fachtagung Mobile Kommunikation, Neu-Ulm, September 1995, pp. 215-222.
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Zepf, J.*: Modellierung und Bewertung von Überlastabwehrmechanismen in Signalisiernetzen - 61. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, E-Technik, IND, 1995.
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Bafutto, M.; Schopp, M.*: Network Performance and Capacity Figures of Intelligent Networks based on the ITU-TS IN Capability Set 1. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advanced Intelligent Networks (AIN '96), Passau, March 1996, pp. 15-29.
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Bafutto, M.; Schopp, M.*: Performance Evaluation of IN-based Mobility Management. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Network Workshop, Melbourne, April 1996, p. pa. 2.3.2.
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Keck, D.O.*: A Tool Concept for Feature Interaction Detection in Intelligent Networks. Proceedings of the 5th Open Workshop on High Speed Networks, Paris, March 1996, pp. 3-9-3-15.
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Keck, D.O.*: Identification of Call Scenarios with Potential Feature Interactions. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advanced Intelligent Networks (AIN '96), Passau, March 1996, pp. 42-55.
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Kühn, P.J.*; Schopp, M.*: Signalling networks for ISDN, IN and mobile networks - modelling, analysis and overload control. Proceedings of the 10th ITC Specialists Seminar on Control in Communications, Lund, September 1996, pp. 35-49.
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Schopp, M.*: Network Design for IN-based Location Management. Proceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress Mini-Seminar on Engineering and Congestion Control in Intelligent Networks, Melbourne, April 1996, p. paper 7.
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Keck, D.O.*: Feature Interactions in Intelligenten Netzen. Beiträge zum 1. IIR-Kongreß Intelligente Netze, Köln, October 1997.
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Schopp, M.*: User Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Distributed Location Management for Personal Communications Services. Proceedings of the 15th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 15), Washington, D.C., June 1997, pp. 23-34.
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Keck, D.O.*: A Tool for the Identification of Interaction-Prone Call Scenarios. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems, Lund, September 1998, pp. 276-290.
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Keck, D.O.*: Requirements and a Proposal for the Prevention of a Class of Service Interactions in Intelligent Networks. Services and Visualization - Towards User-Friendly Design, Springer, Berlin, D, 1998, pp. 90-105.
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Keck, D.O.*; Kühn, P.J.*: The feature and service interaction problem in telecommunications systems: a survey. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 10, October 1998, pp. 779-796.
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Kabatnik, M.*; Keck, D.O.*; Kreutzer, M.; Zugenmaier, A.: Multilateral Security in Intelligent Networks. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Intelligent Network Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2000.
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Schopp, M.*: Mobilität in Kommunikationsnetzen - Konzepte, Modellierung und Leistungsbewertung - 77. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2001.
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Zugenmaier, A.; Kreutzer, M.; Kabatnik, M.*: Enhancing Applications with Approved Location Stamps. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Network 2001 Workshop (IN2001), Boston, MA, May 2001.
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