Publications with Keyword MULTIPLEXING

Kröner, H.*: Statistical Multiplexing of Sporadic Sources. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Workshop on High Speed Networks of Telecom Paris, Dept. Resaux, Stuttgart, September 1991, pp. 65-67. [Show full record]

Enssle, J.*: Modellierung und Leistungsuntersuchung eines verteilten Video-On-Demand-Systems für MPEG-codierte Videodatenströme mit variabler Bitrate - 68. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, Elektrotechnik, 1998. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Werthmann, T.*; Grob-Lipski, H.; Proebster, M.*: Multiplexing Gains Achieved in Pools of Baseband Computation Units in 4G Cellular Networks. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, September 2013. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Werthmann, T.*; Grob-Lipski, H.; Scholz, S.*; Haberland, B.: Task Assignment Strategies for Pools of Baseband Computation Units in 4G Cellular Networks. IEEE ICC 2015 - Workshop on Cloud-Processing in Heterogeneous Mobile Communication Networks (IWCPM), London, June 2015, pp. 2714-2720. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Scholz, S.*; Grob-Lipski, H.: Reallocation Strategies for User Processing Tasks in Future Cloud-RAN Architectures. Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2016), Valencia, September 2016. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]