Publications with Keyword RESERVATION SYSTEM

Kröner, H.*: Performance Comparison of Resource Sharing Strategies between Lost-Call-Cleared and Reservation Traffic. Proceedings of the 13th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 13), Copenhagen, June 1991, pp. 639-645. [Show full record]

Reifert, A.*: Automatisierte Ressourcenplanung in dienstorientierten Netzinfrastrukturen. Workshop der Fachgruppe 5.2.1: "Network Resource Allocation", Chemnitz, March 2009. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Reifert, A.*: Service Placement in Network-aware Cloud Infrastructures. 9th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView 2009), Würzburg, July 2009. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Reifert, A.*: Service Placement in Network-aware Cloud Infrastructures. 9th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks", Würzburg, July 2009. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Lallemand, L.*; Reifert, A.*: On Force-based Placement of Distributed Services within a Substrate Network. Proceedings of the 16th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 Workshop (EUNICE 2010), Trondheim, June 2010, pp. 65-75. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]