Publications with Keyword COMMUNICATION SYSTEM

Kühn, P.J.*: Delay problems in communications systems, classification of models and tables for application. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '77), Chicago, June 1977, pp. 237-243. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Macian, C.*; Domschitz, P.: Advanced IP classification techniques for a hybrid routing node in a DWDM metropolitan network. Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications 1999 (NOC '99) Part 2: Core networks and network management, Stuttgart, June 2000. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Feil, V.*; Stümpfle, M.: Management-Aufgaben bei komponentenbasierten verteilten Systemen im Fahrzeug-Telematikbereich. Beiträge zur 12. GI/ITG Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2001), Hamburg, February 2001. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Feil, V.*: Lastbezogene Rekonfigurierung von komponentenbasierten Verteilten Systemen mit benutzergesteuerten Anwendungen - 89. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, EI, 2005. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Verbrugge, S.; Pasqualini, S.; Westphal, F.-J.; Jäger, M.; Iselt, A.; Kirstädter, A.; Chahine, R.; Colle, D.; Pickavet, M.; Demeester, P.: Modeling Operational Expenditures for Telecom Operators. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2005), Milan, February 2005. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Sommer, J.*; Tacke, S.; Zündel, H.; Gauger, C.M.*: Modeling and Performance Evaluation of a Manual Logon System for Electronic Fee Collection. VDE/ITG-Fachgruppe 5.2.4, Workshop: Communication Applications for Logistics: Maut, Telematics and More, Bremen, January 2006. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Tacke, S.; Sommer, J.*; Zündel, H.; Gauger, C.M.*: Modeling and Performance Evaluation of a Manual Logon System for Electronic Fee Collection. Proceedings of the 9th Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS 2006), Huntsville, Alabama, April 2006. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Reifert, A.*: Service Placement in Network-aware Cloud Infrastructures. 9th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView 2009), Würzburg, July 2009. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Reifert, A.*: Service Placement in Network-aware Cloud Infrastructures. 9th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks", Würzburg, July 2009. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]