Publications with Keyword ADAPTIVE CONTROL

Schmidt, T.*: Verteilte Multimedia-Anwendungen und ihre Anforderungen an die Netzinfrastruktur (5. BK GKPVS). Beiträge zum 5. Berichtskolloquium des GK PVS, Stuttgart, July 1998, pp. 111-118. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Schmidt, T.*: Quality Management in Multimedia Applications. Proceedings of 6th Plenary Workshop on HP Openview University Association (HPOVUA '99), Bologna, June 1999. [Show full record] / Download [PS]

Schmidt, T.*: Verteilte Multimedia-Anwendungen und ihre Anforderungen an die Netzinfrastruktur (6. BK GKPVS). Beiträge zum 6. Berichtskolloquium des GK PVS, Stuttgart, July 1999, pp. 11-18. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Schmidt, T.*: Analysis of adaptation algorithms for distributed multimedia applications. Colloquium NEC/CCRL Europe, Heidelberg, September 2000. [Show full record]

Schmidt, T.*: Untersuchung von Adaptionsalgorithmen verteilter Multimedia-Anwendungen (7. BK GKPVS). Stuttgart, D, July 2000. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Gloss, B.*: System Architecture of a Mobile Message Transport System. Proceedings of the 11th Open European Summer School and IFIP WG 6.6, WG 6.4, WG 6.9 Workshop (EUNICE 2005), Colmenarejo, Madrid, July 2005, pp. 38-45. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]

Gunreben, S.*; Spadaro, S.; Sole-Pareta, J.: A Unified Model for Bandwidth Adaptation in Next Generation Transport Networks. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Bandwidth on Demand, BoD 2006 in conjunction with the 49th IEEE GLOBECOM 2006, San Francisco, CA, November 2006. [Show full record] / Download [PDF]