Publications in 1987
Denzel, W.*: Untersuchung zu Vermittlungssystemen mit verteilter Steuerung - 42. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, E-Technik, 1987.
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Fischer, W.*; Huber, M.N.*; Schrodi, K.: Performance Analysis of a Modular Videophone Switching Network. Proceedings of the 11th International Switching Symposium (ISS '87), Phoenix, 1987, pp. A10.1.1-A10.1.6.
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Fischer, W.*; Huber, M.N.*; Schrodi, K.: Performance Analysis of a Modular Videophone Switching Network. Proceedings of the 11th International Switching Symposium (ISS '87), Phoenix, 1987, pp. A 10.1.1-A 10.1.6.
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Fischer, W.*; Göldner, E.-H.*: Performance of the ISDN User-Network Interface for Signalling and Packetized User-Data Transfer. Proceedings of the 11th International Switching Symposium (ISS '87), Phoenix, 1987, pp. A4.5.1-A4.5.5.
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Göldner, E.-H.*; Huber, M.N.*; Kühn, P.J.*: Architecture of a New Inhouse Communication System Providing Integrated Circuit and Packet Switching.. 5. GI/ITG-Fachtagung "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen", Aachen, 1987, pp. 338-350.
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Hohl, S.; Kühn, P.J.*: Approximate analysis of flow and cycle times in queueing networks. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Data Communication Systems and Their Performance, Rio de Janeiro, June 1987.
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Kiesel, W.M.*: Architektur und Verkehrsleistung eines lokalen Netzes mit Busstruktur und einem kollisionsarmen Vielfach-Zugriffsprotokoll - 41. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, D, E-Technik, 1987.
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Manfield, D.R.; Tran-Gia, P.*; Jans, H.: Modelling and Performance Analysis of Inter-Processor Messaging in Distributed Systems. Performance Evaluation, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1987, pp. 285-298.
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Raith, T.*: Leistungsuntersuchung von Multi-Bus-Verbindungsnetzwerken in lose gekoppelten Systemen - 43. Bericht über verkehrstheoretische Arbeiten. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, E-Technik, 1987.
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Rathgeb, E.P.*; Homann, C.; Truong, H.L.; Waldmann, G.: Protocol Testing for the ISDN D-Channel Network Layer. Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, 1987, pp. 421-434.
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Tran-Gia, P.*: Discrete-Time Analysis of Polling Systems with Renewal Inputs. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Data Communication Systems and Their Performance, Rio de Janeiro, June 1987, pp. 495-510.
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Tran-Gia, P.*; Rathgeb, E.P.*: Performance Analysis of Semidynamic Scheduling Strategies in Discrete-Time Domain. Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM ?87, San Francisco, March 1987, pp. 962-970.
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