Publications with Keyword SELF-ORGANIZING NETWORKS
Müller, C.M.*; Kaschub, M.*; Blankenhorn, C.*; Wanke, S.: A Cell Outage Detection Algorithm Using Neighbor Cell List Reports. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS) 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5343, Vienna, December 2008, pp. 218-229.
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Müller, C.M.*; Kaschub, M.*; Blankenhorn, C.*; Wanke, S.: Design and evaluation of detection algorithms for base stations outages, COST 290 TD(08)003. 11th COST 290 Management Committee Meeting, Tampere, May 2008.
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Müller, C.M.*; Bakker, H.; Ewe, L.: Evaluation of the Automatic Neighbor Relation Function in a Dense Urban Scenario. IWSON 2011, IEEE VTC2011-Spring Workshop, Budapest, May 2011.
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