Publications from Gauger, C.M.
Aracil, J.; Akar, N.; Bjoernstad, S.; Casoni, M.; Christodoulopoulos, K.; Careglio, D.; Fdez-Palacios, J.; Gauger, C.M.; Gonzalez de Dios, O.; Hu, G.*; Karasan, E.; Klinkowski, M.; Morato, D.; Nejabati, R.; Overby, H.; Raffaelli, C.; Simeonidou, D.; Stol, N.; Tosi-Beleffi, G.; Vlachos, K.: Research in Optical Burst Switching within the e-Photon/ONe Network of Excellence. Optical Switching and Networking, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2007, pp. 1-19.
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Buchta, H.; Gauger, C.M.; Patzak, E.: Maximum Size and Throughput of SOA-Based Optical Burst Switching Nodes With Limited Tuning-Range Wavelength Converters and FDL Buffers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 26, No. 16, 2008, pp. 2919-2927.
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