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Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering (IKR)

IKR Simulation Library - Versions and Editions


Editions of the IKR SimLib

IKR SimLib Java Edition is currently in Version 4.0. This branch will receive bug fixes as well as new features. Since Version 2.8 new features like a new parameter file concept and a new way to describe the simulation model was introduced. We use it in our current and all of our new projects.

In Version 4.0 we introduced new interfaces to handle the simulation time and reworked the statistic related classes.

Since Version 3.1 a new parser concept was introduced, allowing to easily extend existing parsers by own implementations. Also the concept of SimNodes has changed. New SimNodes should now only be created with the help of a static method. The last change since Version 3.1 is a reworked queueing interface, which allows to stack and combine different queues.

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