Meaning: |
Continuous distribution of a random varaible \(T\) that is bounded
between a lower bound and an upper bound. For the bounding of \(T\), two
different modes are available:
with resampling: If the random number generator returns a value that
is smaller than the lower boundary or greater than the upper boundary, a new
random number is drawn (this is done as long as a value between lower and
upper boundary is obtained).
without resampling: If the random number generator returns a value
that is smaller than the lower boundary or greater than the upper boundary,
then the lower respectively upper boundary is return.
Parameters: |
base distribution with PDF \(g(t)\) and DF \(G(t)\)
lower limit \(b_l\)
upper limit \(b_u\)
boolean value
Parser example: |
[...].Distribution = BoundedDistribution
[...].Distribution.BaseDist = Normal
[...].Distribution.BaseDist.Mean = 5.0
[...].Distribution.BaseDist.StandardDeviation = 4.0
[...].Distribution.LowerBound = 0.0 # optional, default 0
[...].Distribution.UpperBound = 10.0 # optional, def. inf.
[...].Distribution.Resampling = false # optional, def. tr.