ContStateGMPPDistribution |
Continuous-State GMPP
Modeling of sources where the state space is continuous.
| Description:
State machine with continuous (infinite) state space:
length of a state according to a continuous distribution
rate \(r\) in a state according to a continuous distribution
Poisson process with rate \(r\) within a state
| Parameters:
continuous distribution of the length of a phase
continuous distribution of the rate in a phase
| Characteristic values:
Moments and distribution of the arrival intervals
| Parser example:
[...].distribution = ContStateGMPP
[...].distribution.PhaseLengthDist = NegExp
[...].distribution.PhaseLengthDist.Mean = 2.3
[...].distribution.RateDist = Uniform
[...].distribution.RateDist.LowerBound = 1.5
[...].distribution.RateDist.UpperBound = 3.5
| References:
GMDPDistribution |
GMDP (Generally Modulated Determistic Process)
Modeling of sources with multiple states (usually 2 - 5) in ATM networks
| Description:
A GMDP comprises a state machine with \(m\) states:
In state \(i\) arrivals occur in constant intervals \(d_i\).
GMDPDistribution.GMDPStateParameters |
GMPPDistribution |
GMPP (Generally Modulated Poisson Process)
Modeling of sources with multiple states (usually 2 - 5) in ATM networks
| Description:
State machine with \(m\) states.
GMPPDistribution.StateParameters |
MAPDistribution |
MAP (Markovian Arrival Process)
Modeling of sources with multiple states e.g., at the call level
| Description:
State machine with \(m\) states.
MAPDistribution.MAPStateParameters |
MMDPDistribution |
MMDP (Markov Modulated Deterministic Process)
Most frequent special case of the GMDP (
GMDPDistribution ) for
modeling sources with multiple states (generally 2 - 5) in ATM networks
| Description:
Like the GMDP(
GMDPDistribution ), the
MMDP can be described by a state machine with \(m\) states.
MMPPDistribution |
MMPP (Markov Modulated Poisson Process)
Modeling of sources with multiple states e.g., at the call level
| Description:
State machine with \(m\) states.
OnOffInfinityDistribution |
On-Off Infinity Model
Superposition of infinitely many on-off sources which allows the
modelling of aggregated traffic.
OnOffInfinityDistribution.BurstData |
TalkspurtSilenceDistribution |
Talkspurt Silence Source
Modeling of on-off sources in packet networks
Modeling of voice sources
| Description:
State machine with 2 states (on/off, talkspurt/silence or burst/silence)
In the talkspurt state \(X\) cells/packets arrive at intervals of \(d\).
VideoSourceDistribution |
Video Source
Modeling of video sources in ATM/packet networks
| Description:
Parameters: frame duration \(d_F\), frame size \(s_F\), packet size \(s_P\)
Autoregressive process with the bit rate \(\lambda_i\) in frame \(i\) in
bits/pixel: \(\lambda_i = (a \cdot \lambda_{i-1} + b \cdot \varepsilon) \cdot
r(0,\lambda_{max})\) with the constants \(a\) and \(b\) as well as the
function \(r\) to limit the rate to the interval \([0,\lambda_max]\).
WSSDistribution |
WSS (Wide Sense Stationary Process)
Noise generator (conversion of white noise to bandwidth-limited, colored
noise with the help of a filter)
| Description:
White noise at the input of a filter is uniformly distributed in the interval
\((-\sqrt{3}, \sqrt{3})\).
| | | | | | | | | |