Publication No 40639
Parthasarathy, S.; Kirstädter, A.*; Giggenbach, D.
Adaptive HARQ with Channel State Information in Inter-HAP FSO Links
This paper investigates the impact of different Channel State Information (CSI) on code-rate adaptive Hybrid ARQ protocols over inter-HAP (High Altitude Platform) FSO fading channel. Perfect, delayed, reciprocal and fixed-mean CSI are considered in the investigation. We study in particular the transmission efficiency of HARQ protocols where the code rate of a RS code is adapted to different CSI. Simulation results show that adaptive code rate based on correctly chosen CSI significantly outperforms HARQ with a non adaptive mechanism providing improved overall performance.
Reference entry
Parthasarathy, S.; Kirstädter, A.; Giggenbach, D.
Adaptive HARQ with Channel State Information in Inter-HAP FSO Links
Proceedings of the 18. ITG-Symposium in Photonic Networks 2017, Leipzig, May 2017, pp. 51-56
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