Parthasarathy, S.; Kirstädter, A.*; Giggenbach, D.
Simulative Performance Analyssis of ARQ Schemes for Free-Space Optical Inter-HAP Channel Model
Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) data link layer protocols improve the reliability of communication in Free Space Optical (FSO) fading channels using feedback information. The objective of this paper is to analyse the simulative performance of different ARQ mechanisms for a FSO inter-High Altitude Platform (HAP) scenario. A bi-directional symmetrical inter-HAP channel was modelled considering the combined influence of atmospheric turbulence-induced scintillation and miss-pointing induced fading at the receiver. Then selected ARQ schemes were investigated via event-based simulations in terms of transmission efficiency.
Reference entry
Parthasarathy, S.; Kirstädter, A.; Giggenbach, D. Simulative Performance Analyssis of ARQ Schemes for Free-Space Optical Inter-HAP Channel Model
Proceedings of the 16. ITG-Symposium in Photonic Networks 2015, Leipzig, May 2015