Publications from Lautenschl?ger, W.
Lautenschläger, W.; Mutter, A.*; Gunreben, S.*: Frame Assembly in Packet Core Networks - Overview and Experimental Results. Beiträge zur 10. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, Leipzig, May 2009.
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Kühlewind, M.*; Scharf, M.*; Lautenschläger, W.: Congestion-based Accounting with re-ECN. 5. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Future Internet", Stuttgart, June 2010.
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Mutter, A.*; Gunreben, S.*; Lautenschläger, W.; Köhn, M.: A Testbed for Validation and Assessment of Frame Switching Networks. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom 2010), Berlin, May 2010.
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Lautenschläger, W.; Feller, F.*: Light-Weight Traffic Parameter Estimation for On-Line Bandwidth Provisioning. 24th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 24), Krakow, September 2012.
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