Publication No 40729
Kühn, P.J.
Performance and Energy Efficiency of Parallel Processing in Data Center Environments
A novel approach is presented for the analysis of parallel processing of stochastic workload by multi-processor/multi-core processing resources in data center environments. The method is based on job workload descriptions by task graphs with generally-distributed task execution times and task scheduling under consideration of prescribed precedence and synchronization constraints. For the analytic performance evaluation, task graphs are restricted to the analysis of directed acyclic graphs which are reduced by stepwise aggregations of tasks. The reduction allows to aggregate the whole task graph under a given number n of processing elements to a single virtual job processing time with average value hv and coefficient of variation cv. By this way, the whole multi-processor system can be modeled by a queuing system of type GI/G/1 from which the response time TR and the speedup factor S(n) is derived. Finally, the influence of the stochastic properties of the workload on the performance and on energy efficiency of parallel computing will be studied and compared with serial computing on a multi-processor system modeled by a queuing system of the type M/G/n.
Reference entry
Kühn, P.J.
Performance and Energy Efficiency of Parallel Processing in Data Center Environments
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Centers (E2DC), Cambridge, June 2014, pp. 17-33
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