Publication No 40708


Kaschub, M.*


Quality of Transaction


For most Internet users, the experienced quality of their Internet connection is limited by the access network. One important reason is the parallel use of multiple applications that affect each other noticeably. Background downloads, for example, will affect the foreground applications and impair the experienced quality. While the user might prioritize, which data to send first to the Internet, the user is currently not able to influence which data sent towards him should be prioritized. This work introduces a new approach, that allows users to specify which data to prioritize on the access network. To specify how the access network should handle which data, this approach defines transactions that represent user-observable results. Evaluations of this approach using event-based network simulation and a new traffic model shows that the user experience in access networks can be considerably improved in comparison to the currently prevailing best-effort approach.



Reference entry

Kaschub, M.
Quality of Transaction
Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2017

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