Publication No 40021


Proebster, M.*; Müller, C.M.*


Proportional Fair LTE scheduling with adaptive parameterization




In cellular OFDMA networks, there exists a fundamental trade-off between the achievable cell capacity and the degree of fairness among the users in the cell. Several scheduling algorithms have been proposed which try to balance this trade-off. However, the parameterization of these scheduling algorithms to achieve a certain desired fairness level is non-trivial. Furthermore, we show that the optimal parameter settings depend on the system state, such as the current cell load. Therefore, we propose a design of a self-optimizing scheduler which includes a controller element that dynamically adjusts the scheduler?s fairness parameters. We demonstrate that with this design, an operator-defined reference fairness level can be maintained for a class of proportional fair scheduling algorithms.



Reference entry

Proebster, M.; Müller, C.M.
Proportional Fair LTE scheduling with adaptive parameterization
COST 2100, Vienna, September 2009

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