Publication No 36625


Orlov, Z.*


Network-driven Adaptive Video Streaming in Wireless Environments


In this paper, the concept of a network-driven adaptive video streaming is proposed and investigated in a state-of-the art HSDPA network in order to alleviate the impact of strongly time-varying quality of wireless links on video quality. We propose making adaptation decisions in a Radio Access Network (RAN) based on channel-quality information available there. This is done by a Multimedia Network Controller (MNC) that is aware of server and client capabilities and the channel quality. Upon a decision, the MNC sends a Rate Switching Request to the video server that adapts its data rate. We evaluate results with a novel PSNR/video-interruptions diagram (PVI) allowing to show and compare video quality graphically in a compact form.For the performance evaluation, we developed a comprehensive video streaming testbed around a detailed UMTS/HSDPA emulation tool.



Reference entry

Orlov, Z.
Network-driven Adaptive Video Streaming in Wireless Environments
Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2008), Cannes, September 2008

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Authors marked with an asterisk (*) were IKR staff members at the time the publication has been written.